
Blended Whole Lemon Lemonade

 This lemonade is specifically crafted for adults, not because it contains alcohol, but due to our incorporation of the entire lemon in the recipe—zest, pith, and all.

By utilizing the whole lemon, we introduce a touch of bitterness to the classic sweet-and-sour combination. This imparts a vibrant intensity akin to the lemonade found at state fairs, where zest is often employed to amplify the lemon flavor. However, the blending of the whole lemon with sugar and water adds a delightful complexity, making it exceptionally invigorating on a scorching day.

Simply remove the lemon's trimmings and seeds, then allow your blender to handle the rest. Serve over ice for a lemonade experience that transcends the realm of powdered alternatives, offering a refreshing sensation that feels light-years away.

Choosing the Right Lemons Is Key :

When preparing most lemonades, the primary focus is on obtaining the citrus juice. However, this particular recipe requires the use of the whole lemon—seeds removed—and blended together. Hence, knowing how to choose the best lemon is crucial to achieve the desired refreshing, sweet, sour, and slightly bitter beverage.

Opting for thin-skinned lemons is paramount. Thin-skinned lemons typically possess a smooth texture and are easy to squeeze. If a lemon feels firm, it is likely to contain an abundance of pith, which can tip the balance of the lemonade from pleasantly bitter to unpleasantly bitter.

If possible, selecting organic lemons may provide a sense of added safety when consuming the peel. Nevertheless, if organic options are unavailable, fear not. Simply give the lemons a thorough wash under warm water to eliminate any wax or contaminants.

Pay attention to the shape of the lemon as well. The rounder and more self-contained it appears, the better it tends to be for the recipe. In the case of lemons with a nubby or pointy end, which primarily consists of pith, you have the option to trim them (or not!) based on your desired level of bitterness control.

If you can only find lemons with rough, thick skins, trimming the ends of the lemon will allow you to remove any excess pith, ensuring a better outcome for your lemonade.


Blended Whole Lemon Lemonade

PREPE TIME :                   
                    TOTAL TIME :                   
  5 mins                                                5 mins


SERVINGS :  4 servings

YIELD :  5 Cups


  • 3 thin-skinned lemons (3 to 3 1/2 ounces each)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 4 cups cold water, divided
  • Ice, for serving


1- Prep the lemons and add to blender :

Wash the lemons to remove any waxy coating. Trim the hard stem end; cut the lemons into quarters and remove the seeds. Cut the quarters into large chunks. Add to blender.

If your lemon has thicker skin, or if the blossom end is thick, trim it to reduce bitterness.

2- Add water and sugar and blend :
Add the sugar and 3 cups water to the carafe of a blender. Blend on high until smooth, about 30 seconds.

3- Strain lemonade :
Strain the lemonade over a pitcher using a fine-mesh sieve. Use a silicone spatula to press the pulp against the strainer and wring out the remaining juice. You could discard the pulp, if you’d like.

4- Mix in remaining water and serve :
Add the remaining 1 cup of water and stir to combine. Serve lemonade over ice.


      315                                         1g                              84g                                       3g
CALORIES                               FAT                         CARBS                             PROTEINS

Bon appetite !! 

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